Discovering inspiration and mastery in the world of pole and aerial arts is as easy as scrolling through Instagram. From breathtaking aerial silks performances to jaw-dropping pole routines, the platform hosts a vibrant community of talented artists and enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned performer or an aspiring aerialist, these Instagram accounts offer a glimpse into the mesmerizing world of pole and aerial arts. Join us as we explore a curated list of our favorite accounts that showcase creativity, skill, and sheer artistry in every gravity-defying pose and twist.
Our Favorite Pole & Aerial Instagram Accounts
From lyra to pole to silks, each of these have a little something to inspire and motivate you throughout your fitness journey. Click their @ name to go straight to their IG page and soak in all the strength that awaits you.
@misspoletricksee: The varsity pole and pole 101 instructor is a whiz in the air. She’s been on the pole for six and a half years and makes everything she does look amazing. You might hear her referenced as “pole momma” and if you take one of her classes, you’ll quickly find out why. Always there to throw support your way or hoot and holler as you nail a new move, Tricksee will quickly become your biggest cheerleader.
@amyhazel92: Pole tricks, heel clacks, and sexy routines; you'll definitely want to follow this self-proclaimed pole dancing unicorn. Prepare to be amazed and inspired by what you see.
@womackandbowman: Two aerialists known for their smooth transitions and jaw dropping moves, you can find them pairing up or doing their own thing on this shared page. You’ll see mostly silk videos but they also incorporate the aerial rope or lyra as well.
@that_circus_freak: As the Miss Lyra Australia elite winner, Miranda is the perfect go-to for all lyra motivation. She manages to flow flawlessly move to move and will surely awe you with some of the things she does.
@poledancenation: Are you in need of pole dance inspiration? Want to stare in awe at the amazing things some polers can do? Pole Dance Nation is your answer. They repost videos and pictures of amazing things related to pole and place them in one area for your viewing pleasure.
@aerialnation: Aerial Nation is the sister page to Pole Dance Nation, except instead of pole, it's everything else aerial and flexy related too! It's all the best things about our fitness obsession and we can't get enough.