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Sexy, Smudge Free Make Up Tips

Today's post is about MAKE UP! Yay! Whether you love a bold, red lip, glittering for the gods or a smouldering smokey eye these tips may just save you in the long run. With our Retro Revue Student Showcase coming up and of course new faces ready to celebrate every weekend, we want to make sure everyone stays feeling sexy and smudge free throughout the hair flipping, booty rolling and sassy walking you're preparing for! The power of makeup alone is mystifying to some, but staying-power? That's another story. Like Superman has the Justice League and Iron Man has the Avengers, we have these tips and tricks to make sure your full face is without fail!

Benefit Porefessional

TIP 1: PRIME TIME​ The right primer can save your entire look. Depending on preference and type, a primer can mattify, create a glow from within, hide pores or color correct. Used after skin care and before foundation a primer might be the biggest step toward preventing a makeup mishap. Pictured to the left is the Benefit Porefessional primer that can be found at Ulta Beauty.

Youtuber NikkiTutorials brought attention to a budget-friendly primer hack a few years ago. In the video below, Nikki mentions Nivea Men Post Shave Balm, which you can get at any drugstore. Work a small amount of the shave balm into your skin until it becomes slightly tacky. It will take on the consistency of most other mattifying primers. When you've achieved this texture, move on to your usual foundation routine. Nikki swears by this as a mattifying and long lasting solution to normal foundation issues. If you're naturally oily or plan to be working up a sweat during your class or party here at Miss Fit Academy, try this tip. It will keep you looking fresh and new for your photo op!

Tip 2: Bullet Proof Brows Perfectly arched brows are still so on trend right now. Though we may have long ignored the potential of those face caterpillars, they can truly play a big role in enhancing your overall look. Depending on the shape, thickness and height of a brow you can look totally different from one look to the next. Those are the pros. The con? Well if your brow doesn't have the right staying power you could end up with it on your arm or your shirt or running down your face. Arch your brows with a high quality pencil like this one from Sephora, and set them with a waterproof gel.

Tip 3: Lips that Last The classic bullet lipstick is a staple, but liquid lips have taken the world by storm! For any performance or night on the town you don't want to worry with smudges and touch ups. So many brands have helped to revolutionize the makeup industry with their liquid lip formulas. If you want a sexy, bold red lip? There's one for you. If you're digging a sassy pink that you can see from space? Yup. That's out there too. Nude? The spectrum of nudes could probably circle the entire globe a few times over. If you want to try a liquid lip for your next performance or event but don't know where to start, here are some of our favorites!

Rich Blood

Jeffree Star Cosmetics Rich Blood ​This lip (featured left) is a rich red with just a hint of cosmetic grade microglitter pigment. The iridescent touch of fabulousness gives your standard red lip a pop of something special. (Click photo to shop)


Jeffree Star Cosmetics Androgyny Described on the website as a "plum, mauvey, nude," this color (featured left) could take any look to the next level. If you aren't usually much of a makeup wearer, Androgyny is a little something extra without being EXTRA. If you love to play with colors and smokey bold looks, it's perfect to give your lips a pop without overpowering all that blending that you hurt your wrist working out. (Click photo to shop)

Prom Night

​Jeffree Star Cosmetics Prom Night If you're rocking to some 80s vibes during our Retro Revue, Prom Night (featured left) might just be your staple. A bright fuchsia that brings attention to your perfect pout and doesn't get caught in your luscious locks is a win for us! (Click photo to shop)

Tip 4: Glitter for the Gods This might be stating the obvious, but everyone seems to be contouring and highlighting. Even high schoolers seem to know where the light hits their face and the shadows take over. At that age I was still just trying out every flavor of Lip Smackers. Though highlighting and contouring can enhance an every day sort of look, these tactics are even more important in a performance environment. Strange lighting and lots of pictures can be a recipe for disaster if you don't work what your mama gave you.... and what you bought at Sephora. Contour and highlight palettes are available pretty much where any makeup is sold. Not sure what color to go with? You thought that cool and warm only applied to the weather? Wrong. When you stop by Sephora or Ulta talk with a beauty adviser. They'll lead you to the best palettes and color schemes for your skin type and tone.

Tip 5: Game, SET, Dance The final and most important tip ties in with tip number 1.

Urban Decay setting spray

The term painting your face doesn't come from nowhere. When you paint a wall you prime, apply color and then seal. Right? The same goes for makeup application. If you want to maintain a flawless face you start with a clean well maintained surface (skin care), you prep the surface (prime with your choice of primer), apply the color and then seal. That's where tip 5 becomes helpful. While you're on the search for you perfect contour kit you may want to pick up a setting spray as well. There are so many on the market, but a great option for a performance or night out is the Urban Decay Chill Setting Spray at Ulta. It holds your face in place, and you can throw it in your bag for a refresher after you dance!

Have these tips helped your look for the big performance!? Let us know in the comments below!


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