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What's in Our Bag: Miss Fit Academy Essentials

What's in our bag

The environment at Miss Fit Academy may be anything BUT conventional, but you may find that the studio bag of a pole athlete or aerial artist doesn't stray too far from the status quo. What we pack for class still fuels us for training and has us prepared for what we're about to endure. For weight lifters that probably means supplements and weight lifting straps. For runners and cyclists that means gel packs and multiple water bottles. For a student at Miss Fit Academy, your bag can contain a range of items to fit your needs! We've done the research and compiled a list of some of the most common and necessary items that our students bring along with them through the doors every day. What you need for class is by no means limited to this list! Do you have a favorite item that you bring to class? What can't you pole/climb/twerk without? Let us know in the comments below!

  • Klean Kanteen: A water bottle is necessary for ANY physical activity. Hydration is key!

  • Grip Aid: Grip aid can be a big help when you work your way of the ladder.. nay pole.. at Miss Fit Academy!

  • Clothing: If you're coming from work, headed to dinner afterward or just switching up your apparatus while in the studio, you'll need to be prepared with proper wardrobe! Getting ready for pole class? Check out this link to an amazing website with unique pole and aerial fashions.

  • Healthy Snack: Fit bodies are kept up and running by fit fuel.

  • Phone Charger: For music, videos and pictures or some between class entertainment.... keep your devices all charged up with a portable charging device!

  • Exercise Mat: Of course we're extremely generous and have some mats to loan out to our students who forget or don't have one yet. However, keeping a yoga mat on hand is useful for pre-class and post-class stretching and even taking your hard work in Flexibility and Balance home to practice.

  • Hand Sanitizer: We are CHRONIC cleaners! But there's only so much we can do to protect from viruses, bacteria and simply dirt and grim. Keep some hand sanitizer on you so you can clean up after all that slinking and sexy crawling on our floors.

  • Misc: hair ties, bobby pins, headband, hair brush


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