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Get a Grip : Choosing a Grip Aid for Pole Class

When it comes to pole fitness, there are several tips and tricks of the industry that will help up your game.. well, your performance. One of the most common issues that polers face is slippery grip and/or sweaty hands. As if the moisture from your body wasn't enough of a burden, in the South, fluctuating weather and temperatures may have a massive impact on studio conditions. Sweat and condensation could make for a frustrating session, but we're here to help! Like we said, there seems to be an endless list of tips and tricks, but we've compiled a list of our favorites! These tips are all about personal preference, but remember, there's no trick better than practice, practice, practice. You'll strengthen your grip and improve your technique. However, when unavoidable hiccups occur, we have some solutions!

1. Rubbing Alcohol

If you've taken any of our pole classes at Miss Fit Academy, you probably noticed that we clean our poles with rubbing alcohol. This is a common way to clean poles, as it causes no damage to the poles and won't leave a residue. But did you know that you can also use rubbing alcohol to help with grip? Using rubbing alcohol to clean your hands before pole class will not only remove any oils or residue from your hands that may muck up the pole or cause you to slip, but it will also draw moisture from the hands making your grip a little more stable.

2. Grip Aid

Girlie Grip

Girlie Grip is the first grip specifically for pole fitness! Most grip aids are considered "athletic grip." They're made with skiers, bowlers and other athletes in mind. Though they're great for pole and it's all about personal preference, Girlie Grip is perfect for all levels of pole fitness. If you struggle with sweaty hands, it contains a high performing antiperspirant. It offers a no-slip, non-sticky, long lasting grip for your perfect pole session. We recommend incorporating Girlie Grip for Level 2 (and up). For more information about Girlie Grip and how it changed the industry, take a look at their website! Interested? Pick some up during your next trip to Miss Fit Academy!

Dry Hands grip aid

Dry Hands is a performance enhancing, athletic grip that helps with grip issues caused by environmental moisture or perspiration. It isn't sticky or greasy and dries quickly. Just like Girlie Grip, it's great for athletes at all levels of their pole fitness journey, however, for the strength of the product we recommend it for Level 2 and beyond. A grip aid this strong just isn't necessary for Level 1. To use, drop a small amount onto clean dry hands and allow to dry for just 15-30 seconds! Then you're ready to go for hours of rehearsal. If Dry Hands seems right for you, pick some up in the studio! Read more about Dry Hands here!

itac sports grip

The next athletic grip on our list is iTac2. Though not specifically created for pole fitness, the product is marketing to help athletes execute "exciting maneuvers that are both breathtaking and gravity defying." We sell a variety of options at Miss Fit Academy, so every preference when it comes to iTac. Purchase extra strength in a tub for use on hands to help with that extra bit of stick. For more intense and higher level maneuvers, try iTac in stick form for hands AND body. This grip is recommended and only truly necessary for higher levels. To use iTac2, choose your product type. Then apply a small amount to your contact points. Wait approximately one minute for the product to dry and you're all set!

Tite Grip

​Tite Grip is one of the only sports grips that advertises its use for pole fitness! Packed with antiperspirant and drying with a non-sticky finish, Tite Grip is perfect for hands and feet. Tite Grip is a long lasting, high performing sports grip originally meant to help skiers keep their hands and feet dry inside their cold weather gear. Over time, the pole community learned how successful this aid is when working in less-than-ideal pole conditions. We recommend Tite Grip for beginning pole students, in Levels 1 and 2. To use Tite Grip , apply a very small amount to hands and/or feet approximately 30 minutes to one hour prior to your pole session. It will feel a bit tacky at first, but as it dries Tite Grip draws moisture from your contact points and keeps them dry. Read more about Tite Grip on their website!

3. Shaving Cream

Shaving cream is dual purpose in the pole world! As we all know, it is an absolute sin to walk into a pole studio lotioned up. We're sorry if your legs were ashy and you had to wear a skirt today, but no lotion. Use shaving cream (without oils or moisturizers) to get rid of the ashy look to your legs AND add some additional stick for your pole class. If you have sweaty hands or feet, slap on a little shaving cream and you're all set. Barbasol or other men's brands are the top recommended as they are usually fragrance and oil free.

4. Hairspray

Hairspray is a cheap and easy alternative to conventional grip for larger contact points like your legs and torso. Technically any hairspray will be sticky, but for optimum results, choose one with a pump spray over aerosol. Aerosol sprays tend to be water based and won't provide as much stick as a non-diluted pump spray.

5. Mighty Grip

Mighty Grip gloves and knee protectors are made specifically for pole fitness and aerial arts. They provide a super practical grip made for any experience level! Measure and purchase your proper size and your preferred color. The best part about gloves or knee protectors is they require no clean up. There's no risk of residue caked on your hands or on the pole! Pick up your very own pair of gloves or knee protectors today!

We hope this list helps you choose a grip aid for pole dancing. If you're new to the pole fitness game and struggle with a slippery grip, give them a try! Let us know which of these grip options is your favorite.


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